
The first joshi judo camp took place in 1974 with an instructor staff of Keiko Fukuda Sensei, Michiyo Kitaoka Sensei and Elizabeth Lee Sensei. Joshi judo camp became for many students something to look forward to every year. It is so rare for women who practice judo to get the opportunity to practice with women. For some it is also a rare opportunity to develop their kata skills and their randori skills.

Fukuda Sensei wishes for joshi camp to continue as her legacy and to continue to develop great joshi judoka.

Board of Directors

Keiko Fukuda Joshi Judo, Inc Board of Directors

Pictured left to right: Assistant: Julie Sumida, Secretary: Brenda Strech, President: Sensei Eiko Shepherd, Founder: Sensei Keiko Fukuda, Historian: Pamela Mery, Treasurer: Elaine Abad,  Vice-President: Wilina Monar